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About Sinead

Sinead has a BSc in Biochemistry and worked in medical research on cancer and HIV at Cambridge University for 8 years before beginning her training in homeopathy. Sinead’s experience in conventional medicine and science supports her work in complementary medicine. She left a promising career in research because she had a conviction that treating the body through natural means would result in greater, long term health.

Food allergies, sensitivities, pathogens and toxicity are of great interest to Sinead and in 2006 she trained in Chirokinetic Therapy .

This therapy not only tests for allergy, intolerance, parasites, viruses, metals toxicity i.e. anything that is causing disease or simply a lack of wellbeing - it can also help the problems found. CKT treatment can be complemented with homeopathic remedies. CKT and homeopathy are as equally effective with emotional symptoms and traumas as physical ones.

Bringing the CoRe Inergetix system into her practice has increased the depth of her treatment, as CoRe can pick up on the main issues causing blocks to health very quickly, which can then be explored further with CKT and supported with homeopathy. This makes the treatment very robust and holistic.

Working with a child with autism inspired Sinead to research effective methods of helping children and young adults on the autistic spectrum. She found Tinus Smits, a pioneer of homeopathy who has developed a method he calls C.E.A.S.E. and has trained to use his protocol. Tinus treated over 300 children on the spectrum with very positive results.

In 2008 Sinead trained in healing with Anne Jones . This healing therapy can be practiced when there is a need to release blocks, cut cords, heal scars and imprints from your past, hence dissolving the resulting anger, bitterness, doubt, insecurity, fear and low self esteem that may be troubling you and affecting your work, relationships and personal happiness. Healing can be practiced on it's own and sometimes during CKT treatment healing is appropriate, for instance an energy block related to a grief may be detected. Releasing this through healing can have a profound effect on the emotional and physical state of the patient.

Sinead is committed to continuing professional development and attends courses and training regularly. She has complete practice insurance and is registered with the Association of Natural Medicine .

Her personal interests lie in anything that promotes good health and wellbeing: spending time with her children, meeting friends for dinner and conversation, walks in the woods and yoga.

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